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Setting up Development Environment in GitHub Codespaces

Install the GitHub Codespaces Extension

Note: When using our DevContainer, the GitHub Codespaces extension is pre-installed.

  • Start VSCode
  • Go to Extensions
  • Search for “GitHub Codespaces”
  • Click Install

Alternatively, create a new codespace via the GitHub web interface:

Select a big enough machine type for Yocto/BitBake, e.g. 16 CPU. You need at leasst 50GB disk space.

Building Leda in a Github Codespace

After successfully obtaining and connecting to a codespace you can build Leda either with kas or manually:

Private Repositories

When using GitHub Codespaces with submodules and private repositories, a separate tool for git authentication is required (see VSCode issue #109050), as the authentication token provided to the GitHub Codespaces virtual machine only allows access to the main repository.

Git Credential Manager:


curl -LO &&
sh ./ &&
git-credential-manager-core configure

1 - Advanced topics

Git Authentication

For private repositories, we need to separately authenticate against the submodule repositories, as GitHub Codespaces will only inject a token with access rights to the current repository.

  1. Change to the users home directory

    cd ~
  2. Install Git Credential Manager

    curl -LO &&
    sh ./ &&
    git-credential-manager-core configure
  3. Configure a credential store typ, e.g. git config --global credential.credentialStore plaintext

  4. Verify with git config --global -l, it should show git-credential-manager-core as the credential helper.

Update the submodules

Run git submodule update --recursive

See VSCode Issue #109050 for details.

Setup skopeo

Skopeo is needed to download various files during the build:

sudo mkdir -p /run/containers/1000
sudo chmod a+w /run/containers/1000
skopeo login --authfile ~/auth.json --username <your GitHub User> 

Enter your token when asked for the password.