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Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1
Description: All seats.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1 is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1 is ba975a6536f15545851d27972ab1fffe


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

1 - Airbag

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag
Description: Airbag signals.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Airbag

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag is ccfadedface05d54bcc00b30082b30d6


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

1.1 - IsDeployed

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed
Description: Airbag deployment status. True = Airbag deployed. False = Airbag not deployed.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Airbag Airbag-->IsDeployed

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Airbag.IsDeployed is fea5a0ef57385df68e486ece13546bdf


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

2 - Backrest

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest
Description: Describes signals related to the backrest of the seat.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest is 9e8063f29cf05c1892c1b5606fd05329


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

2.1 - Lumbar

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar
Description: Adjustable lumbar support mechanisms in seats allow the user to change the seat back shape.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar is 363835bd81535538a10acfe914f4c3cc


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

2.1.1 - Height

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height
Description: Height of lumbar support. Position is relative within available movable range of the lumbar support. 0 = Lowermost position supported.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->Height

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint8 VSS: Datatypes
Unit mm VSS: Units
Label millimeter
Description Distance measured in millimeters VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain distance
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint8 datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Height is 6cdd33ee68a65349bd478c3afbc515c4


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

2.1.2 - Support

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support
Description: Lumbar support (in/out position). 0 = Innermost position. 100 = Outermost position.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->Support

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit percent VSS: Units
Label percent
Description Relation measured in percent VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain relation
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Maximum value 100 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Lumbar.Support is f8fd42a3227d5c6a96834becd1247f5e


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

2.2 - Recline

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline
Description: Backrest recline compared to seat z-axis (seat vertical axis). 0 degrees = Upright/Vertical backrest. Negative degrees for forward recline. Positive degrees for backward recline.
Comment: Seat z-axis depends on seat tilt. This means that movement of backrest due to seat tilting will not affect Backrest.Recline as long as the angle between Seating and Backrest are constant. Absolute recline relative to vehicle z-axis can be calculated as Tilt + Backrest.Recline.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->Recline

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit degrees VSS: Units
Label degree
Description Angle measured in degrees VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain angle

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.Recline is 4e793f7e663558b29130989024763680


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

2.3 - SideBolster

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster
Description: Backrest side bolster (lumbar side support) settings.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->SideBolster

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster is 1484136aa6ec5a46b6f2449b9506a5dd


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

2.3.1 - Support

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support
Description: Side bolster support. 0 = Minimum support (widest side bolster setting). 100 = Maximum support.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Backrest Backrest-->SideBolster SideBolster-->Support

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit percent VSS: Units
Label percent
Description Relation measured in percent VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain relation
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Maximum value 100 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Backrest.SideBolster.Support is 87cedae0f6ba58a0940859642b89fdb0


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

3 - Headrest

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest
Description: Headrest settings.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Headrest

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest is d8486ab7d8195559a4e8e7baebb888ef


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

3.1 - Angle

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle
Description: Headrest angle, relative to backrest, 0 degrees if parallel to backrest, Positive degrees = tilted forward.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Headrest Headrest-->Angle

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit degrees VSS: Units
Label degree
Description Angle measured in degrees VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain angle

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Angle is 7a720646e0d657c5b10979f1c403eb4b


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

3.2 - Height

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height
Description: Position of headrest relative to movable range of the head rest. 0 = Bottommost position supported.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Headrest Headrest-->Height

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint8 VSS: Datatypes
Unit mm VSS: Units
Label millimeter
Description Distance measured in millimeters VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain distance
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint8 datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Headrest.Height is 12d45094d6c9545089e932a2462d5f68


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

4 - Heating

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating
Description: Seat cooling / heating. 0 = off. -100 = max cold. +100 = max heat.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Heating

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type int8 VSS: Datatypes
Unit percent VSS: Units
Label percent
Description Relation measured in percent VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain relation
Minimum value -100 VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Maximum value 100 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The int8 datatype is a signed 8-bit integer which technically allows values between -128 and 127 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Heating is 0f61ef421bcd5c8dbe6a5b477cb10a49


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

5 - Height

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height
Description: Seat position on vehicle z-axis. Position is relative within available movable range of the seating. 0 = Lowermost position supported.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Height

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint16 VSS: Datatypes
Unit mm VSS: Units
Label millimeter
Description Distance measured in millimeters VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain distance
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint16 datatype is an unsigned 16-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Height is 6e6e7aadfd0d52d4ac877147d84540d0


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

6 - IsBelted

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted
Description: Is the belt engaged.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->IsBelted

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsBelted is ad65078f81075a67babb66ecd2c902f7


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

7 - IsOccupied

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied
Description: Does the seat have a passenger in it.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->IsOccupied

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.IsOccupied is e8c5a3df63b15e8a83f0b16b6a77092f


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

8 - Massage

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage
Description: Seat massage level. 0 = off. 100 = max massage.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Massage

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint8 VSS: Datatypes
Unit percent VSS: Units
Label percent
Description Relation measured in percent VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain relation
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Maximum value 100 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint8 datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Massage is 406607948a235d829c5da212594813b1


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

9 - Occupant

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant
Description: Occupant data.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Occupant

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant is e7ab950f55b45b1a985f1a9d132aad02


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

9.1 - Identifier

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier
Description: Identifier attributes based on OAuth 2.0.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Occupant Occupant-->Identifier

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier is aba17bf3b5175e56bf047839f2a0f880


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

9.1.1 - Issuer

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer
Description: Unique Issuer for the authentication of the occupant. E.g.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Occupant Occupant-->Identifier Identifier-->Issuer

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer Foo [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type string VSS: Datatypes

Note: The string datatype is a character string.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Issuer is 188458a15b30577d8fb01d0f15641a6e


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

9.1.2 - Subject

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject
Description: Subject for the authentication of the occupant. E.g. UserID 7331677.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Occupant Occupant-->Identifier Identifier-->Subject

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject Foo [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type string VSS: Datatypes

Note: The string datatype is a character string.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Occupant.Identifier.Subject is 159e7daad966588ca48997859b811b72


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

10 - Position

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position
Description: Seat position on vehicle x-axis. Position is relative to the frontmost position supported by the seat. 0 = Frontmost position supported.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Position

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint16 VSS: Datatypes
Unit mm VSS: Units
Label millimeter
Description Distance measured in millimeters VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain distance
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint16 datatype is an unsigned 16-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Position is 3dd247aae2555a1ebaf76ae4017f23bb


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

11 - Seating

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating
Description: Describes signals related to the seat bottom of the seat.
Comment: Seating is here considered as the part of the seat that supports the thighs. Additional cushions (if any) for support of lower legs is not covered by this branch.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Seating

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating is 8fb01973fdad529d83ebf60514cad67c


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

11.1 - Length

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length
Description: Length adjustment of seating. 0 = Adjustable part of seating in rearmost position (Shortest length of seating).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Seating Seating-->Length

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type uint16 VSS: Datatypes
Unit mm VSS: Units
Label millimeter
Description Distance measured in millimeters VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain distance
Minimum value 0 VSS: Sensors & Actuators

Note: The uint16 datatype is an unsigned 16-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 65535 (inclusive).

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Seating.Length is 9eabbf5a69cd51c88de9e70eb9545750


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12 - Switch

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch
Description: Seat switch signals
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch is 1c4b708222de55aabddb3697308253ee


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

12.1 - Backrest

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest
Description: Describes switches related to the backrest of the seat.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest is 4cc0b73f30e65456a6268f52ad7fee70


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

12.1.1 - IsReclineBackwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged
Description: Backrest recline backward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Recline).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->IsReclineBackwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineBackwardEngaged is 0b5415702e0b5461afacea857c05a6fe


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.1.2 - IsReclineForwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged
Description: Backrest recline forward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Recline).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->IsReclineForwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.IsReclineForwardEngaged is 1e1bbfda10e25d228e01a632277d57c3


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.1.3 - Lumbar

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar
Description: Switches for SingleSeat.Backrest.Lumbar.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar is 4dc489e632e15d13afd6601188ed08b3


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository. - IsDownEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged
Description: Lumbar down switch engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Lumbar.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->IsDownEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsDownEngaged is 09337347e2f557fe8649342548c7fe3c


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type. - IsLessSupportEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged
Description: Is switch for less lumbar support engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Lumbar.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->IsLessSupportEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsLessSupportEngaged is 12fe41df5ab8545e8a3e7b2411585243


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type. - IsMoreSupportEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged
Description: Is switch for more lumbar support engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Lumbar.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->IsMoreSupportEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsMoreSupportEngaged is 73e6514d130e5bfb85d4cfb7c45d8138


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type. - IsUpEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged
Description: Lumbar up switch engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.Lumbar.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->Lumbar Lumbar-->IsUpEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.Lumbar.IsUpEngaged is 47f8690805455b8c927f2834942b2ded


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.1.4 - SideBolster

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster
Description: Switches for SingleSeat.Backrest.SideBolster.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->SideBolster

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster is 184e9cc9d42e5ec993593da10b1b8299


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository. - IsLessSupportEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged
Description: Is switch for less side bolster support engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.SideBolster.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->SideBolster SideBolster-->IsLessSupportEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsLessSupportEngaged is f5e3fae9d90954ad9a240b72fa0a5cb4


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type. - IsMoreSupportEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged
Description: Is switch for more side bolster support engaged (SingleSeat.Backrest.SideBolster.Support).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Backrest Backrest-->SideBolster SideBolster-->IsMoreSupportEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Backrest.SideBolster.IsMoreSupportEngaged is a7dc6c8941805c47b837334abfa7abee


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.2 - Headrest

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest
Description: Switches for SingleSeat.Headrest.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Headrest

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest is f803a25975405ed38684b3f065535a4a


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

12.2.1 - IsBackwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged
Description: Head rest backward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Headrest.Angle).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Headrest Headrest-->IsBackwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsBackwardEngaged is 9ed038b597665225a0f2dfd262cf59b5


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.2.2 - IsDownEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged
Description: Head rest down switch engaged (SingleSeat.Headrest.Height).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Headrest Headrest-->IsDownEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsDownEngaged is 4d3d29ccfcde55f9bdf40eeeb7ecf5dc


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.2.3 - IsForwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged
Description: Head rest forward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Headrest.Angle).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Headrest Headrest-->IsForwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsForwardEngaged is ae9cdee6019a567ebac3e85a909fe7ca


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.2.4 - IsUpEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged
Description: Head rest up switch engaged (SingleSeat.Headrest.Height).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Headrest Headrest-->IsUpEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Headrest.IsUpEngaged is f929508b3527553a959952bcd227f70e


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.3 - IsDownEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged
Description: Seat down switch engaged (SingleSeat.Height).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsDownEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsDownEngaged is fd41789d95035c2fa1e855d22eab80fa


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.4 - IsTiltBackwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged
Description: Tilt backward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Tilt).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsTiltBackwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltBackwardEngaged is 22726fefa40d5805b46b2c87e43782ed


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.5 - IsTiltForwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged
Description: Tilt forward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Tilt).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsTiltForwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsTiltForwardEngaged is f557b6a2712f5307b56577d93b9e746f


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.6 - IsUpEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged
Description: Seat up switch engaged (SingleSeat.Height).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsUpEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsUpEngaged is 3dacf86cf185576f8a3916a315c69b1d


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.7 - Massage

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage
Description: Switches for SingleSeat.Massage.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Massage

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage is 4857aac12637502da76202384a151715


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

12.7.1 - IsDecreaseEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged
Description: Decrease massage level switch engaged (SingleSeat.Massage).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Massage Massage-->IsDecreaseEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsDecreaseEngaged is d1f9e86a98be5f2ca81ac11d05356bb6


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.7.2 - IsIncreaseEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged
Description: Increase massage level switch engaged (SingleSeat.Massage).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Massage Massage-->IsIncreaseEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Massage.IsIncreaseEngaged is 7b656c6aa62c5156aab2d437a03bd074


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.8 - Seating

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating
Description: Describes switches related to the seating of the seat.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Seating

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating is 1a3e7380e61852c98eda0f38e9f807aa


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

12.8.1 - IsBackwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged
Description: Is switch to decrease seating length engaged (SingleSeat.Seating.Length).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Seating Seating-->IsBackwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsBackwardEngaged is c02ddbb0e2c1536081dae3cb23baf4b1


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.8.2 - IsForwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged
Description: Is switch to increase seating length engaged (SingleSeat.Seating.Length).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->Seating Seating-->IsForwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.Seating.IsForwardEngaged is f0ef5926752f573ea02dacb2a242c8a1


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.9 - IsBackwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged
Description: Seat backward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Position).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsBackwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsBackwardEngaged is 57d1ff9eaf4e5a7cbe683c13eed6e691


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.10 - IsCoolerEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged
Description: Cooler switch for Seat heater (SingleSeat.Heating).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsCoolerEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsCoolerEngaged is ac1a8efdbafb561bb11af807d48e8378


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.11 - IsForwardEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged
Description: Seat forward switch engaged (SingleSeat.Position).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsForwardEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsForwardEngaged is 33ed964275af591d85773bc23d70bd68


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

12.12 - IsWarmerEngaged

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged
Description: Warmer switch for Seat heater (SingleSeat.Heating).
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Switch Switch-->IsWarmerEngaged

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged false [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type boolean VSS: Datatypes

Note: The boolean datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Switch.IsWarmerEngaged is 97a36b155294512f8c409a9bc82635bc


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.

13 - Tilt

Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt
Description: Tilting of seat (seating and backrest) relative to vehicle x-axis. 0 = seat bottom is flat, seat bottom and vehicle x-axis are parallel. Positive degrees = seat tilted backwards, seat x-axis tilted upward, seat z-axis is tilted backward.
Comment: In VSS it is assumed that tilting a seat affects both seating (seat bottom) and backrest, i.e. the angle between seating and backrest will not be affected when changing Tilt.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Cabin Cabin-->Seat Seat-->Row2 Row2-->Pos1 Pos1-->Tilt

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli sdv.databroker.v1 > connect [connect] OK sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt [get] OK Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt: ( NotAvailable ) sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt 0 [set] OK

Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit degrees VSS: Units
Label degree
Description Angle measured in degrees VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain angle

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt is an Actuator.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row2.Pos1.Tilt is c61e74d2ae795b4da2e35325f8734005


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Discuss VSS on Slack
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.