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Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD |
Description: |
OBD data. |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Vehicle Model |
Direct link to Vehicle Signal |
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 |
Vehicle.OBD |
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD
is 7ad7c512ed5d52c8b31944d2d47a4bc3
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
- Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad (PID 43 - Absolute load value)
- Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD (PID 49 - Accelerator pedal position D)
- Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE (PID 4A - Accelerator pedal position E)
- Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF (PID 4B - Accelerator pedal position F)
- Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus (PID 12 - Secondary air status)
- Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature (PID 46 - Ambient air temperature)
- Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure (PID 33 - Barometric pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst (Catalyst signals)
- Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR (PID 2C - Commanded exhaust gas recirculation (EGR))
- Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP (PID 2E - Commanded evaporative purge (EVAP) valve)
- Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio (PID 44 - Commanded equivalence ratio)
- Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage (PID 42 - Control module voltage)
- Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature (PID 05 - Coolant temperature)
- Vehicle.OBD.DTCList (List of currently active DTCs formatted according OBD II (SAE-J2012DA_201812) standard ([P|C|B|U]XXXXX ))
- Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear (PID 31 - Distance traveled since codes cleared)
- Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL (PID 21 - Distance traveled with MIL on)
- Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus (PID 41 - OBD status for the current drive cycle)
- Vehicle.OBD.EGRError (PID 2D - Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) error)
- Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure (PID 32 - Evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute (PID 53 - Absolute evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate (PID 54 - Alternate evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad (PID 04 - Engine load in percent - 0 = no load, 100 = full load)
- Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed (PID 0C - Engine speed measured as rotations per minute)
- Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent (PID 52 - Percentage of ethanol in the fuel)
- Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC (PID 02 - DTC that triggered the freeze frame)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming (PID 5D - Fuel injection timing)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel (PID 2F - Fuel level in the fuel tank)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure (PID 0A - Fuel pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute (PID 59 - Absolute fuel rail pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect (PID 23 - Fuel rail pressure direct inject)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac (PID 22 - Fuel rail pressure relative to vacuum)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate (PID 5E - Engine fuel rate)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus (PID 03 - Fuel status)
- Vehicle.OBD.FuelType (PID 51 - Fuel type)
- Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining (PID 5B - Remaining life of hybrid battery)
- Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp (PID 0F - Intake temperature)
- Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive (PID 1E - Auxiliary input status (power take off))
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1 (PID 07 - Long Term (learned) Fuel Trim - Bank 1 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer)
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2 (PID 09 - Long Term (learned) Fuel Trim - Bank 2 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer)
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1 (PID 56 (byte A) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 1)
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2 (PID 58 (byte A) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 2)
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3 (PID 56 (byte B) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 3)
- Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4 (PID 58 (byte B) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 4)
- Vehicle.OBD.MAF (PID 10 - Grams of air drawn into engine per second)
- Vehicle.OBD.MAP (PID 0B - Intake manifold pressure)
- Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF (PID 50 - Maximum flow for mass air flow sensor)
- Vehicle.OBD.O2 (Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B))
- Vehicle.OBD.O2WR (Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B))
- Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards (PID 1C - OBD standards this vehicle conforms to)
- Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature (PID 5C - Engine oil temperature)
- Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks (PID 13 - Presence of oxygen sensors in 2 banks. [A0..A3] == Bank 1, Sensors 1-4. [A4..A7] == Bank 2, Sensors 1-4)
- Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks (PID 1D - Presence of oxygen sensors in 4 banks. Similar to PID 13, but [A0..A7] == [B1S1, B1S2, B2S1, B2S2, B3S1, B3S2, B4S1, B4S2])
- Vehicle.OBD.PidsA (PID 00 - Bit array of the supported pids 01 to 20)
- Vehicle.OBD.PidsB (PID 20 - Bit array of the supported pids 21 to 40)
- Vehicle.OBD.PidsC (PID 40 - Bit array of the supported pids 41 to 60)
- Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition (PID 5A - Relative accelerator pedal position)
- Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition (PID 45 - Relative throttle position)
- Vehicle.OBD.RunTime (PID 1F - Engine run time)
- Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL (PID 4D - Run time with MIL on)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermFuelTrim1 (PID 06 - Short Term (immediate) Fuel Trim - Bank 1 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermFuelTrim2 (PID 08 - Short Term (immediate) Fuel Trim - Bank 2 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1 (PID 55 (byte A) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 1)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2 (PID 57 (byte A) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 2)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3 (PID 55 (byte B) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 3)
- Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4 (PID 57 (byte B) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 4)
- Vehicle.OBD.Speed (PID 0D - Vehicle speed)
- Vehicle.OBD.Status (PID 01 - OBD status)
- Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator (PID 4C - Commanded throttle actuator)
- Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePosition (PID 11 - Throttle position - 0 = closed throttle, 100 = open throttle)
- Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB (PID 47 - Absolute throttle position B)
- Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC (PID 48 - Absolute throttle position C)
- Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared (PID 4E - Time since trouble codes cleared)
- Vehicle.OBD.TimingAdvance (PID 0E - Time advance)
- Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear (PID 30 - Number of warm-ups since codes cleared)
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
1 - AbsoluteLoad
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad |
Description: |
PID 43 - Absolute load value |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AbsoluteLoad
is b3dd889a42ce5de9a7904b7196ae325c
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
2 - AcceleratorPositionD
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD |
Description: |
PID 49 - Accelerator pedal position D |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionD
is 7e63256081ac5a7b8a28a6fa3c2c2ff9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
3 - AcceleratorPositionE
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE |
Description: |
PID 4A - Accelerator pedal position E |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionE
is 4104e7fc25355e25b4522d233565d84b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
4 - AcceleratorPositionF
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF |
Description: |
PID 4B - Accelerator pedal position F |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AcceleratorPositionF
is 95f5c2a209a857ff930e2f8e32ac2d3f
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
5 - AmbientAirTemperature
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature |
Description: |
PID 46 - Ambient air temperature |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AmbientAirTemperature
is 220a90f183c5583ea8b8b6454d774517
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
6 - CommandedEquivalenceRatio
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio |
Description: |
PID 44 - Commanded equivalence ratio |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEquivalenceRatio
is 104e39e816f65fa791d0afa24603292b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
7 - ControlModuleVoltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage |
Description: |
PID 42 - Control module voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ControlModuleVoltage
is 59e072b932605ffc88a299c874d885c4
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
8 - DriveCycleStatus
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus |
Description: |
PID 41 - OBD status for the current drive cycle |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus
is 5215e28062f75154822789b8a5f30630
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
8.1 - DTCCount
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount |
Description: |
Number of sensor Trouble Codes (DTC) |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint8
datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.DTCCount
is 312856f746ff560e8098c19196964d3b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
8.2 - IgnitionType
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType |
Description: |
Type of the ignition for ICE - spark = spark plug ignition, compression = self-igniting (Diesel engines) |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType Foo
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The string
datatype is a character string.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IgnitionType
is 1aeb7b6d025f5a8693104824abaa1c49
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
8.3 - IsMILOn
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn |
Description: |
Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) - False = Off, True = On |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn false
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The boolean
datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DriveCycleStatus.IsMILOn
is e367394c9a075eef8fd66499e3d9cf14
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
9 - EthanolPercent
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent |
Description: |
PID 52 - Percentage of ethanol in the fuel |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EthanolPercent
is a207e7de17e1520c894b412af6f2522c
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
10 - EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute |
Description: |
PID 53 - Absolute evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAbsolute
is ef188a1e1a1356f7bc425081e3e00805
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
11 - EVAPVaporPressureAlternate
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate |
Description: |
PID 54 - Alternate evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressureAlternate
is 68eaba3c79975d61bc35b92cd3e5e8d0
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
12 - FuelInjectionTiming
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming |
Description: |
PID 5D - Fuel injection timing |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelInjectionTiming
is ab4869446f5357d6936838983e1b8949
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
13 - FuelRailPressureAbsolute
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute |
Description: |
PID 59 - Absolute fuel rail pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureAbsolute
is 83c88b13d30153949eeca1b1180a9061
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
14 - FuelRate
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate |
Description: |
PID 5E - Engine fuel rate |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelRate
is 4ab7c2b710f95ceb9c7d01d19dabac38
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
15 - FuelType
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelType |
Description: |
PID 51 - Fuel type |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelType
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelType: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelType Foo
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The string
datatype is a character string.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelType
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelType
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelType
is aefb45bdd8035904b0c8f3ffcedc53a9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
16 - HybridBatteryRemaining
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining |
Description: |
PID 5B - Remaining life of hybrid battery |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.HybridBatteryRemaining
is c9517b6243df5e8d8f3aa3e57f71ec37
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
17 - LongTermO2Trim1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1 |
Description: |
PID 56 (byte A) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 1 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim1
is 9a9586e29a02567e9920cb9b0aa2e3f5
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
18 - LongTermO2Trim2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2 |
Description: |
PID 58 (byte A) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 2 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim2
is e579f6c930605b389e8ce2d7edd92999
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
19 - LongTermO2Trim3
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3 |
Description: |
PID 56 (byte B) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 3 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim3
is 50ea51ad343a5e59b1d214053e522a45
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
20 - LongTermO2Trim4
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4 |
Description: |
PID 58 (byte B) - Long term secondary O2 trim - Bank 4 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermO2Trim4
is f9c20edd12f456e5ace21581cea484bd
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
21 - MaxMAF
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF |
Description: |
PID 50 - Maximum flow for mass air flow sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.MaxMAF
is e21826479f715ee7afe8dc485f109b11
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
22 - OilTemperature
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature |
Description: |
PID 5C - Engine oil temperature |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.OilTemperature
is ef3dfc11085d5077b363b1a4e8e4a84e
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
23 - PidsC
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.PidsC |
Description: |
PID 40 - Bit array of the supported pids 41 to 60 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.PidsC
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.PidsC: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.PidsC 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint32
datatype is an unsigned 32-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 4294967295 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsC
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsC
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.PidsC
is 7c3a3f0ecc5d593aa996892668afe4b0
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
24 - RelativeAcceleratorPosition
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition |
Description: |
PID 5A - Relative accelerator pedal position |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.RelativeAcceleratorPosition
is e25de9aacad3549285b4fb234f10be8f
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
25 - RelativeThrottlePosition
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition |
Description: |
PID 45 - Relative throttle position |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.RelativeThrottlePosition
is 54ecf7dd671c5053aac4bc1bb061d64b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
26 - RunTimeMIL
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL |
Description: |
PID 4D - Run time with MIL on |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.RunTimeMIL
is 555604a484535f60adf8894a6bd895b6
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
27 - ShortTermO2Trim1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1 |
Description: |
PID 55 (byte A) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 1 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim1
is be7ed33a854557ba802da0c51f9f4564
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
28 - ShortTermO2Trim2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2 |
Description: |
PID 57 (byte A) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 2 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim2
is c8b962f8990e51d294621408ceaa21d9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
29 - ShortTermO2Trim3
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3 |
Description: |
PID 55 (byte B) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 3 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim3
is af58212df970568b9edcc5e58fa36f8d
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
30 - ShortTermO2Trim4
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4 |
Description: |
PID 57 (byte B) - Short term secondary O2 trim - Bank 4 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ShortTermO2Trim4
is 8ef0516c0c965fd6aecbacd6b9120a5b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
31 - ThrottleActuator
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator |
Description: |
PID 4C - Commanded throttle actuator |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ThrottleActuator
is 49a19905a1005ee3abe0c0a84d7112d1
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
32 - ThrottlePositionB
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB |
Description: |
PID 47 - Absolute throttle position B |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionB
is 701712a565ed5bf8b6630487a7152c87
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
33 - ThrottlePositionC
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC |
Description: |
PID 48 - Absolute throttle position C |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.ThrottlePositionC
is 06f162dc00a85f628f9d5d1bc952665c
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
34 - TimeSinceDTCCleared
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared |
Description: |
PID 4E - Time since trouble codes cleared |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.TimeSinceDTCCleared
is 66ea3984a2585dcdaaf6452eef835c0d
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
35 - BarometricPressure
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure |
Description: |
PID 33 - Barometric pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.BarometricPressure
is 1966bfff4d235767bfd9a21afb445ac7
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
36 - Catalyst
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst |
Description: |
Catalyst signals |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst
is 4eb0b191d6445de081f3f3f759af31c2
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
36.1 - Bank1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1 |
Description: |
Catalyst bank 1 signals |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1
is 0c3aaf014ba95b938b639d4202ef8b25
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
36.1.1 - Temperature1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1 |
Description: |
PID 3C - Catalyst temperature from bank 1, sensor 1 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature1
is 5a770f13939e5d069682d408f160a895
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
36.1.2 - Temperature2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2 |
Description: |
PID 3E - Catalyst temperature from bank 1, sensor 2 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank1.Temperature2
is ca9419a5d23b5937af23b51d823722fa
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
36.2 - Bank2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2 |
Description: |
Catalyst bank 2 signals |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2
is 9a20459754755146a3b9608bf6384835
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
36.2.1 - Temperature2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2 |
Description: |
PID 3F - Catalyst temperature from bank 2, sensor 2 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature2
is f60c68f0ebca5fcf97086ce04e16d661
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
36.2.2 - Temperature1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1 |
Description: |
PID 3D - Catalyst temperature from bank 2, sensor 1 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.Catalyst.Bank2.Temperature1
is 011658e4ee89502c9a33877c92dbf888
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
37 - CommandedEGR
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR |
Description: |
PID 2C - Commanded exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEGR
is 0265890a4a695ee6952c9b9f565ddaa5
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
38 - CommandedEVAP
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP |
Description: |
PID 2E - Commanded evaporative purge (EVAP) valve |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.CommandedEVAP
is 5e6295d04a9159b88f4698b561b86842
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
39 - DistanceSinceDTCClear
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear |
Description: |
PID 31 - Distance traveled since codes cleared |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DistanceSinceDTCClear
is 0da628e2c69d561eb86216ddcb6e7b2a
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
40 - EGRError
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EGRError |
Description: |
PID 2D - Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) error |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EGRError
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EGRError: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EGRError 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EGRError
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EGRError
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EGRError
is 80a7000c5c7b5444b5571a26264061e5
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
41 - EVAPVaporPressure
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure |
Description: |
PID 32 - Evaporative purge (EVAP) system pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EVAPVaporPressure
is 70b5dae2ffd0561eab73efed8ad2f0ad
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
42 - FuelLevel
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel |
Description: |
PID 2F - Fuel level in the fuel tank |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelLevel
is fd39813424ee5cd08c44714b35697287
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
43 - WarmupsSinceDTCClear
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear |
Description: |
PID 30 - Number of warm-ups since codes cleared |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint8
datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.WarmupsSinceDTCClear
is a63ba60721785fc591e3dd067c4dc2ae
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
44 - DistanceWithMIL
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL |
Description: |
PID 21 - Distance traveled with MIL on |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DistanceWithMIL
is a9a522e343f25522b08f11e81bb91349
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
45 - FuelRailPressureDirect
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect |
Description: |
PID 23 - Fuel rail pressure direct inject |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureDirect
is 039cb7bf1a8356a98d09eaf4fc029fe9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
46 - FuelRailPressureVac
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac |
Description: |
PID 22 - Fuel rail pressure relative to vacuum |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelRailPressureVac
is b3b0adf44aa3572fa07e7434993e6458
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
47 - IsPTOActive
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive |
Description: |
PID 1E - Auxiliary input status (power take off) |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive false
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The boolean
datatype is a boolean value which technically allows values of either 0 and false; or 1 and true.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.IsPTOActive
is ce291dc40bba5a969e57b17f11ae23a9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48 - O2WR
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR
is a439f2bc16575318afe20d0bc6a8cacf
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.1 - Sensor4
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4
is bb67047ddad158ba98876a6a87d02e97
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.1.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Current
is f16b31fde63a516db04cb44feaa7c27b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.1.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Lambda
is be09013f423c588eae9c06da9ddf290f
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.1.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor4.Voltage
is abeca90ba22d5c32a34ee907cedf3192
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.2 - Sensor5
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5
is 01c4160d39af5db59c66db844646195e
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.2.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Current
is 40494cb5826554929f5ecadd5b9173fd
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.2.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Lambda
is 16a957200f5c51f89824bbb76a23b9c0
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.2.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor5.Voltage
is 699c4db2439f51af8465e823687018b8
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.3 - Sensor6
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6
is cff12c30bde957798daaa3a91758b48b
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.3.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Current
is 06a38b6b4784545bb637279e96d48eb5
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.3.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Lambda
is fdae9bb9a3a45b4680450f0347cf6d66
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.3.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor6.Voltage
is 304c181c76d55c3abe75382a935c7bde
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.4 - Sensor7
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7
is 44459df1f25f5d43a07b00f2bad65ef5
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.4.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Current
is 6ed46315325d540eb95c86ec61eef8e4
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.4.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Lambda
is 9221a5289157538b9dcaa0d961c335fa
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.4.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor7.Voltage
is 0ad1d79dcce65c00ac48421b5b54ca0e
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.5 - Sensor8
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8
is b8865e72055d52a086f6935d5c188cc1
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.5.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Current
is 96de3c3b036c50c2978ab2aa490d4d9e
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.5.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Lambda
is c56db1195fa3519ab6718ab57d2cd543
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.5.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor8.Voltage
is ab7d6c739f025782bba640e58123f0c8
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.6 - Sensor1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1
is 496074cec04a5260b60fd39bb7ed1479
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.6.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Current
is bb4c70d9d2ae56c8a9a3be446db6f54c
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.6.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Lambda
is b809083454a5516f995477c59bf4d3c6
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.6.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor1.Voltage
is 396251cbfa5a57ffb1dd743298dfcdf9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.7 - Sensor2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2
is 079f9960f75d5f399df7ff86fcea8f0c
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.7.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Current
is 442ab33180ca5028a37a487056ba4a51
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.7.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Lambda
is ce55aed0e8705a49970566db71ebcf90
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.7.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor2.Voltage
is a784675c3b765d42ad023d8ee412be26
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.8 - Sensor3
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3 |
Description: |
Wide range/band oxygen sensors (PID 24 - 2B and PID 34 - 3B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3
is a8a83d3e33f9584b824088e830bcbaec
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
48.8.1 - Current
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current |
Description: |
PID 3x (byte CD) - Current for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Current
is c942468e349e5aaebde4d90ee0bc3814
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.8.2 - Lambda
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte AB) and PID 3x (byte AB) - Lambda for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Lambda
is f2ae7c781b0a5dcf8db91558e3cf4c13
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
48.8.3 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 2x (byte CD) - Voltage for wide range/band oxygen sensor |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2WR.Sensor3.Voltage
is a78f7621a3f75df2adc1dc940219834a
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
49 - OBDStandards
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards |
Description: |
PID 1C - OBD standards this vehicle conforms to |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint8
datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards
is an Attribute.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.OBDStandards
is 1aa8d7d055cf5a29a31b04a12124f673
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
50 - OxygenSensorsIn4Banks
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks |
Description: |
PID 1D - Presence of oxygen sensors in 4 banks. Similar to PID 13, but [A0..A7] == [B1S1, B1S2, B2S1, B2S2, B3S1, B3S2, B4S1, B4S2] |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint8
datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn4Banks
is 41d3377813d651aa9b9344ba9fd2f880
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
51 - PidsB
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.PidsB |
Description: |
PID 20 - Bit array of the supported pids 21 to 40 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.PidsB
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.PidsB: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.PidsB 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint32
datatype is an unsigned 32-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 4294967295 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsB
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsB
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.PidsB
is 00193c560a0a5525baa45681e07b50f6
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
52 - RunTime
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.RunTime |
Description: |
PID 1F - Engine run time |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.RunTime
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.RunTime: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.RunTime 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RunTime
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.RunTime
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.RunTime
is acf70773752256d1a227ab48257624b5
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
53 - AirStatus
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus |
Description: |
PID 12 - Secondary air status |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus Foo
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The string
datatype is a character string.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.AirStatus
is 548f65bf59ed505a86dfaa1c33342e4d
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
54 - CoolantTemperature
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature |
Description: |
PID 05 - Coolant temperature |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.CoolantTemperature
is 824892cdc72d5f92a38ef3136576edc8
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
55 - DTCList
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.DTCList |
Description: |
List of currently active DTCs formatted according OBD II (SAE-J2012DA_201812) standard ([P |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.DTCList
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.DTCList: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.DTCList 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DTCList
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.DTCList
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.DTCList
is eee1b64e69845d5ab5e793b74631f9dc
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
56 - EngineLoad
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad |
Description: |
PID 04 - Engine load in percent - 0 = no load, 100 = full load |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EngineLoad
is a8fda8a1b4c6534aa49c447bafc1c700
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
57 - EngineSpeed
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed |
Description: |
PID 0C - Engine speed measured as rotations per minute |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.EngineSpeed
is b682eea93b3e5874ab3b52e95a1fad37
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
58 - FreezeDTC
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC |
Description: |
PID 02 - DTC that triggered the freeze frame |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC Foo
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The string
datatype is a character string.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FreezeDTC
is 5b87fae8dda4522aae209ae528960782
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
59 - FuelPressure
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure |
Description: |
PID 0A - Fuel pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelPressure
is 34e6b0689f025d7b9bfa1fc49bb30c0f
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
60 - FuelStatus
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus |
Description: |
PID 03 - Fuel status |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus Foo
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The string
datatype is a character string.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.FuelStatus
is 15fa2f3f667a5f5786eda5c83435ef16
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
61 - IntakeTemp
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp |
Description: |
PID 0F - Intake temperature |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.IntakeTemp
is 7c108305178b5854b430a23e125588bd
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
62 - LongTermFuelTrim1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1 |
Description: |
PID 07 - Long Term (learned) Fuel Trim - Bank 1 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim1
is 1c203b11667150f0b4ee1be26a60c084
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
63 - LongTermFuelTrim2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2 |
Description: |
PID 09 - Long Term (learned) Fuel Trim - Bank 2 - negative percent leaner, positive percent richer |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.LongTermFuelTrim2
is b02aff2efce05632b5694a256e5b9ec7
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
64 - MAF
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.MAF |
Description: |
PID 10 - Grams of air drawn into engine per second |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.MAF
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.MAF: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.MAF 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Vehicle Model |
Direct link to Vehicle Signal |
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 |
Vehicle.OBD.MAF |
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MAF
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MAF
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.MAF
is f3acdf89fb865313883d5d3126f15518
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
65 - MAP
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.MAP |
Description: |
PID 0B - Intake manifold pressure |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.MAP
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.MAP: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.MAP 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Vehicle Model |
Direct link to Vehicle Signal |
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 |
Vehicle.OBD.MAP |
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MAP
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.MAP
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.MAP
is 335991b1b53f56f097fea7b05d4db83b
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66 - O2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Vehicle Model |
Direct link to Vehicle Signal |
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 |
Vehicle.OBD.O2 |
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2
is 31f007df72af50f0925d2b4647682a4d
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.1 - Sensor4
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4
is 853945bce86c5c4f95081075ae32261c
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.1.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.ShortTermFuelTrim
is b71dcf9d850c5d5686f14ad46cd2cae3
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.1.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor4.Voltage
is 772cbfab91be59f7bbf3ec4140ffbcc4
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.2 - Sensor5
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5
is f48c76c9c7ec5ddcb6838ced0bd7517b
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.2.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 7604de26198b51e28a441f79b1d84242
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.2.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor5.Voltage
is 155a0816093b5aee8012ed2a8d532b7f
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.3 - Sensor6
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6
is 5269c1877ded507b87d7d1d7bec10605
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.3.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 2fb034769cab5089986d90bf7f9000ca
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.3.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor6.Voltage
is 85430592fb795e848d7bb91e6b9f1e00
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.4 - Sensor7
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7
is 4b565102e4a052aa8aa64f27dc678ce3
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.4.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 81f34b16b5e05d1ab159de9474eaf5bc
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.4.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor7.Voltage
is 23984a68e63f532bab18679e1174130d
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.5 - Sensor8
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8
is d5eef24c35f1561982127404b50ece11
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.5.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 1699eb2267615e258259e480be0fa606
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.5.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor8.Voltage
is 23e057b3629a5136bb585638725fe0a2
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.6 - Sensor1
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1
is 3aa8859203d4545083196a9690d72627
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.6.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.ShortTermFuelTrim
is ee366d40132456c0bce8cac3a837f16a
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.6.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor1.Voltage
is e95f4ea667265ee3a68ab57b86ecbf66
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.7 - Sensor2
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2
is efcb337cf94056c8a724e76bcfee6765
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.7.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 92e6e172777457a9866ca045d0d79853
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.7.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor2.Voltage
is 5f1781bde96b53ce9b810a5a56b7c8ed
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.8 - Sensor3
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3 |
Description: |
Oxygen sensors (PID 14 - PID 1B) |
flowchart LR
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3
is a Branch.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3
is b8c145402b7a5cffaa2699ed61b056fa
This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
66.8.1 - ShortTermFuelTrim
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte B) - Short term fuel trim |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.ShortTermFuelTrim
is 66c300d35eb85e7387dc42528cca48d9
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
66.8.2 - Voltage
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage |
Description: |
PID 1x (byte A) - Sensor voltage |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The float
datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.O2.Sensor3.Voltage
is a86a1986f0fe5d25b6c438a00438ff60
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
67 - OxygenSensorsIn2Banks
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks |
Description: |
PID 13 - Presence of oxygen sensors in 2 banks. [A0..A3] == Bank 1, Sensors 1-4. [A4..A7] == Bank 2, Sensors 1-4 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint8
datatype is an unsigned 8-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 255 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.OxygenSensorsIn2Banks
is 0a9ba3f0a9b256d78bafd62ee8ce73cd
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:
About VSS
The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals.
The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.
Supported datatypes
The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:
Name |
Type |
Min |
Max |
uint8 |
unsigned 8-bit integer |
0 |
255 |
int8 |
signed 8-bit integer |
-128 |
127 |
uint16 |
unsigned 16-bit integer |
0 |
65535 |
int16 |
signed 16-bit integer |
-32768 |
32767 |
uint32 |
unsigned 32-bit integer |
0 |
4294967295 |
int32 |
signed 32-bit integer |
-2147483648 |
2147483647 |
uint64 |
unsigned 64-bit integer |
0 |
2^64 - 1 |
int64 |
signed 64-bit integer |
-2^63 |
2^63 - 1 |
boolean |
boolean value |
0/false |
1/true |
float |
floating point number |
-3.4e -38 |
3.4e 38 |
double |
double precision floating point number |
-1.7e -300 |
1.7e 300 |
string |
character string |
n/a |
n/a |
Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.
68 - PidsA
Full qualified VSS Path: |
Vehicle.OBD.PidsA |
Description: |
PID 00 - Bit array of the supported pids 01 to 20 |
flowchart LR
Eclipse Leda: Usage Example
In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:
$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.OBD.PidsA
[get] OK
Vehicle.OBD.PidsA: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.OBD.PidsA 0
[set] OK
Digital Auto: Playground provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.
Data Type & Unit
Note: The uint32
datatype is an unsigned 32-bit integer which technically allows values between 0 and 4294967295 (inclusive).
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsA
is a Sensor.
The vehicle signal Vehicle.OBD.PidsA
is a Signal.
Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
The UUID for Vehicle.OBD.PidsA
is ba1c1b9034955d2d97249c3b4516beef
Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try t