Develop Seat Adjuster

The following pages show how to execute the explained setup using Eclipse Velocitas and Eclipse Leda 0.1.0-M2:

On a high level, you need to perform the following steps described in more detail in this guide:

  1. Use the Eclipse Velocitas template repository to develop, build and deploy your version of the seat adjuster example.

  2. Run Eclipse Leda, for example, as container or with other options like QEMU, physical hardware, etc..

  3. Manage the Eclipse Kanto container runtime to deploy your seat adjuster application.

  4. Test the deployed setup by interacting with the seat adjuster to change the seat position.

Setup Eclipse Velocitas from template repository

We use Eclipse Velocitas to develop the seat application against the API of the Kuksa.val Databroker:

In the first step, you create a copy of the Eclipse Velocitas template repository. You create the copy by opening the repository in GitHub and selecting: Use this template -> Create a new repository. In the next step, you choose under which organization to place the created repository and whether it should be public. If you set the repository to private, you have to perform additional configuration steps mentioned below.

The template repository contains skeleton code for the application, test and release workflows for GitHub actions, and the configuration of a development environment in a container.

In addition to the Python template used in this guide, there is a C++ template available.

Execute Development Container in VSCode

You then checkout the repository on your development machine and open it in VSCode. From VSCode you can execute the development container (DevContainer) configured in the repository. For this to function, you need to install the following tools on your computer:

In the best case, VSCode may detect that the repository contains a DevContainer configuration and ask you whether to execute it. Alternatively, you can press F1 in VSCode and then enter DevContainers: Reopen in container to start the DevContainer. In either case, VSCode should reopen and then connect to the DevContainer. Because of the DevContainer, we do not need to make further modifications to the developer machine.

Develop the application

In the next step, we work on the actual application. You find the skeleton code in /app/src/ of the Eclipse Velocitas template and thus the DevContainer.

Eclipse Velocitas provides the code to realize the described seat adjuster application. One way to get the code is to use a pre-configured task in VSCode by pressing ‘F1’ and then typing ‘Run Task’.

As an alternative, you can check the latest version of the seat adjuster example code in the Eclipse Velocitas SDK repository in the Velocitas SDK directory.

There is a chance that the latest code for the seat-adjuster example in the main-branch of the Eclipse Velocitas SDK is a bit different compared to the code snippets below.

Let us walk through some lines of the code where the logic is in the while the entry point is in

In the on_start(self) function we subscribe to any changes of the current value of the VSS signal Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position in the KUKSA Databroker.

async def on_start(self):
        """Run when the vehicle app starts"""
        await self.Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position.subscribe(

When the seat position changes, the on_seat_position_changed function is triggered and publishes the new seat position value as MQTT-message to the topic seatadjuster/currentPosition.

 async def on_seat_position_changed(self, data: DataPointReply):
        response_topic = "seatadjuster/currentPosition"
        await self.publish_event(
                {"position": data.get(self.Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position).value}

In addition, we have the function on_set_position_request_received which is triggered for every MQTT-message to the topic seatadjuster/setPosition/request.

    async def on_set_position_request_received(self, data_str: str) -> None:
        data = json.loads(data_str)
        vehicle_speed = (await self.Vehicle.Speed.get()).value

        position = data["position"]
        if vehicle_speed == 0:
                    await self.Vehicle.Cabin.Seat.Row1.Pos1.Position.set(position)

If the vehicle speed is zero, meaning that the vehicle does not move, we set the target value in the KUKSA Databroker for the position signal of the seat to the value requested in the incoming MQTT message.

The get() and set() functions are created based on a VSS model, and we assume that the KUKSA Databroker instance uses the same VSS model. In many cases, like the default Eclipse Leda, one may rely on the upstream VSS model, but some scenarios require further signals, e.g., by applying an overlay.

You can configure the used VSS model in the app/AppManifest.json file. This file includes an interface definition with the entry for the default vehicle_signal_interface. The VSS signals in this guide are part of VSS in version 3.0.0. The DevContainer generates the respective Eclipse Velocitas SDK based on this configuration. For more details see the Eclipse Velocitas Model Generator.

At this point, you may wonder how the application actually knows to which MQTT broker to connect and where to find the correct instance of the KUKSA Databroker. This service discovery is abstracted within the Velocitas SDK and involves the usage of so-called middleware to find and call the other components. As of writing this page, Eclipse Velocitas supports DAPR as middleware or uses the native approach to configure the correct address directly. The details of how to set and configure the used middleware are part of the deployment.

Signal Description: The signal indicates the seat position on the vehicle x-axis, where the value 0 is the frontmost position supported by the seat.

The value is the distance measured in millimeters.

The example implementation supports values between 0 and 1000 millimeters.

Note: This range of valid values is not reflected in the standard Vehicle Signal Specification. OEMs would overlay the VSS tree with actual Min/Max values, depending on the seat hardware available in the vehicle model.

Start Runtime in DevContainer to test application

You may skip the application testing since we already provide the example code. But it still makes sense to get a general idea of how to test and debug the code with the tooling in the DevContainer.

As mentioned before, the execution and, thus, the testing of the application requires a set of other components to be available like the KUKSA Databroker or an MQTT-broker. Furthermore, the deployment, the configuration, and the behavior of the application may change depending on the used (container) management solution. Therefore, Eclipse Velocitas allows the deployment of the required components and the application with the container management approach of choice inside the DevContainer.

The different runtimes are maintained in a separate Eclipse Velocitas repository. To start a runtime, we use the Eclipse Velocitas CLI:

velocitas exec runtime-kanto up

We use the Eclipse Kanto runtime here since we later deploy the seat adjuster application to Eclipse Leda, which uses Eclipse Kanto for container management.

Once the runtime is available, we add our application by executing:

velocitas exec deployment-kanto build-vehicleapp
velocitas exec deployment-kanto deploy-vehicleapp

You can now test the application by interacting with it through the local MQTT broker. To send and receive MQTT messages, use the VSMQTT plugin with a cloud icon in the left side of the VSCode instance connected to the DevContainer. We do not get into details for the topics and messages here since we will run the application in Eclipse Leda again later in this guide.

Once you finish the application testing and development, you can shutdown the runtime with:

velocitas exec runtime-kanto down

Eclipse Velocitas provides Tasks to abstract the mentioned calls of the velocitas CLI. As an alternative you can thus press F1 -> Run Task and scroll for the respective task like Kanto runtime Up.

Commit and Release Application

When you are confident about the application, you want to be able to distribute it. Here, pre-configured workflows from Eclipse Velocitas for GitHub Actions are helpful.

You now commit your changes and push them to your copy of the Eclipse Velocitas template repository in GitHub. Before you create the commit, we recommend running the pre-commit task, which performs similar checks and linting as the CI workflow from Eclipse Velocitas. You can trigger the pre-commit as a task in VSCode:

  1. Press F1
  2. Write Tasks: Run Task and press enter
  3. Write Pre Commit Action and press enter

The pre commit action should start in a terminal inside VSCode.

You can check the available tasks configured by Eclipse Velocitas in .vscode/tasks.json.

If the pre-commit was successful, you may push your changes and open the repository in the browser. In the meantime, the push should trigger the CI workflow and the Build multiarch image workflow, which you can track in the Actions tab.

If you set your copy of the template repository to private, the CI workflow may fail due to missing permissions to write container images to GitHub packages. You can grant more Workflow permissions in the Settings tab of the repository under Actions-> General.

To deploy your application to a target and if the two workflows have finished successfully, you can perform a release in GitHub. The subsequent release workflow will make the application available as a built container in the container registry of GitHub (Code -> Packages). To do the release in GitHub, go to the Code tab and click Releases on the right side of the page. Then you can Draft a new release, create a new tag and title for the release, and click Publish Release, which triggers the Release workflow.

The next step is to deploy the seat adjuster in Eclipse Leda