
Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.AverageSpeed
Description: Average speed for the current trip.
Comment: A new trip is considered to start when engine gets enabled (e.g. LowVoltageSystemState in ON or START mode). A trip is considered to end when engine is no longer enabled. The signal may however keep the value of the last trip until a new trip is started. Calculation of average speed may exclude periods when the vehicle for example is not moving or transmission is in neutral.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->AverageSpeed

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.AverageSpeed
[get]  OK
Vehicle.AverageSpeed: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.AverageSpeed 0
[set]  OK

Digital Auto: Playground

playground.digital.auto provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.AverageSpeed

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.AverageSpeed VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit km/h VSS: Units
Label kilometer per hour
Description Speed measured in kilometers per hours VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain speed

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.AverageSpeed is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.AverageSpeed is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.AverageSpeed is 43a489636a665c3abb99b63174eb552b


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Join COVESA www.covesa.global
Discuss VSS on Slack w3cauto.slack.com
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups covesa.global data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.