Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC
Description: Current DC charging voltage at charging inlet.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Powertrain Powertrain-->TractionBattery TractionBattery-->Charging Charging-->ChargeVoltage ChargeVoltage-->DC

Eclipse Leda: Usage Example

In Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker CLI:

$ databroker-cli
sdv.databroker.v1 > connect
[connect] OK
sdv.databroker.v1 > get Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC
[get]  OK
Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC: ( NotAvailable )
sdv.databroker.v1 > set Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC 0
[set]  OK

Digital Auto: Playground

playground.digital.auto provides an in-browser, rapid prototyping environment utilizing the COVESA APIs for connected vehicles.

Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC

Data Type & Unit

Path Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC VSS: Addressing nodes
Data type float VSS: Datatypes
Unit V VSS: Units
Label volt
Description Electric potential measured in volts VSS: Sensors & Actuators
Domain electric potential

Note: The float datatype is a floating point number which technically allows values between -3.4e ^ -38 and 3.4e ^ 38

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC is a Sensor.

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC is a Signal.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.ChargeVoltage.DC is 701c21d1a4815b35ba061415789ec911


Do you think this Vehicle Signal specification needs enhancement? Do you want to discuss with experts? Try the following ressources to get in touch with the VSS community:

Enhancement request Create COVESA GitHub Issue
Join COVESA www.covesa.global
Discuss VSS on Slack w3cauto.slack.com
VSS Data Experts on Google Groups covesa.global data-expert-group

About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.

Supported datatypes

The following is a list of VSS supported built-in datatypes:

Name Type Min Max
uint8 unsigned 8-bit integer 0 255
int8 signed 8-bit integer -128 127
uint16 unsigned 16-bit integer 0 65535
int16 signed 16-bit integer -32768 32767
uint32 unsigned 32-bit integer 0 4294967295
int32 signed 32-bit integer -2147483648 2147483647
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer 0 2^64 - 1
int64 signed 64-bit integer -2^63 2^63 - 1
boolean boolean value 0/false 1/true
float floating point number -3.4e -38 3.4e 38
double double precision floating point number -1.7e -300 1.7e 300
string character string n/a n/a

Min, max and default values defined in a Vehicle Signal Specification must be in the supported range of the data type.