
Versioning and Codenames

  • Distribution Versioning is following the x.y.z syntax for the distribution, e.g. Leda 0.0.1
  • Build Versioning is following the git describe syntax: v0.0.1-blank-168-g7e14c4c
    • Latest tag name: v0.0.1
    • Branch name: blank
    • Number of commits behind: 168
    • Short Commit ID: g7e14c4c
  • Codenames are taken from Wikipedia List of Motor Racing Tracks
  • Initial codename is Hockenheim
  • Current distribution version can be taken from /etc/issue:
root@qemux86-64:~# cat /etc/issue
Eclipse Leda v0.0.8

How to Release

A new release is triggered manually from its GitHub web page Releases section. By clicking on the Draft new release button, the release process starts:

  • Select a branch to use as code base for the release
  • Create a tag using the standard pattern vX.Y.Z
  • Write a title Release X.Y.Z and release notes
  • Optionally select if this is a pre-release
  • Publish the release
  • Validate the release

With Publish the release action the release workflow located in .github/workflows/release.yml will be triggered. This will start building the distro image files for the supported platforms, running the test cases and generating reports as junit xml and license scanning. If the image generation and the test runs are successful the artifacts: images, test binaries and qa reports will be attached as assets to the release.

The build (build.yml) and release (release.yml) workflows share a common reusable workflow (base.yml). In this way the release workflow repeats the build actions without duplicating the code.

Detailed build information on device

Eclipse Leda Version

root@qemux86-64:~# cat /etc/issue
Eclipse Leda v0.0.8

Exact Build Timestamp

root@qemux86-64:~# cat /etc/version
root@qemux86-64:~# cat /etc/timestamp

Details of Build Information

root@qemux86-64:~# cat /etc/build 
Build Configuration:  |
DISTRO = leda
DATETIME = 20220408135014
DISTRO_NAME = Eclipse Leda
IMAGE_BASENAME = core-image-minimal
MACHINE = qemux86-64
TUNE_PKGARCH = core2-64
MACHINE_FEATURES = alsa bluetooth usbgadget screen vfat x86 pci rtc qemu-usermode
DISTRO_FEATURES = acl alsa argp  debuginfod  ipv4 ipv6 largefile pcmcia usbgadget usbhost wifi xattr  zeroconf pci    vfat seccomp largefile  ptest multiarch  vulkan virtualization k8s seccomp raucg
IMAGE_FEATURES = debug-tweaks
TUNE_FEATURES = m64 core2
Layer Revisions:      |
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