
The KantoUI tool is a text-based user interface for conveniently managing containers in the Kanto Container Management. It supports simple navigation using keyboard and mouse to select a specific container. Commands to start, stop, remove and re-deploy containers are available along with a functionality to retrieve the application logs of a selected container.

Kanto User Interface



Example output:


Command Line Options

Print command line help:

root@qemux86-64:~# kantui --help
kantui 0.2.0
A TUI for Kanto CM that allows easier management of deployed containers. Requires root.

    kantui [OPTIONS]

    -c, --config-file-path <CONFIG_FILE_PATH>
            Set a custom path for the kantui configuration file [default:

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -V, --version
            Print version information

Note: All config values can be overridden through env variables prefixed with KANTUI_,
e.g. KANTUI_STOP_TIMEOUT=5 overrides the timeout before SIGKILL is sent to be 5 seconds.

Keyboard commands

  • Arrow keys Up and Down to select a container
  • Arrow keys Left and Right to select a column
  • Enter to change the sort ordering of the currently selected column
  • S to start the selected container which is currently not running
  • P to stop the selected container
  • R to remove a container
  • L to show the log output of a container
  • D to redeploy an existing container (rereads deployment descriptor)
  • Q to quit kantui

Note: The mouse can be used to select ui items when holding the Shift key.

Starting, Stopping, Removing containers

To use the lifecycle commands on a container:

  1. Select a container by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
  2. The selected container is highlighted.
  3. Press one of the lifecycle commands, e.g. s, p or r
  4. Wait for the value in the State column to change, before issueing the next command.

Note: When using the lifecycle commands for containers (Start, Stop, Remove), it may take a few seconds before the UI is updated with the status changes. The amount of time before a container is forcefully killed is determined by the stop_timeout configuration option.

Show container Logs

To view the container’s log output:

  1. Select a container by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
  2. Press the L key
  3. Log output will be displayed (tail, oldest messages first)
  4. Use the arrow keys Up and Down or drag the scrollbar using your mouse to scroll through the log
  5. Close the Log viewer by pressing Enter or clicking on the OK button

Note: The log output is not followed automatically. Close the dialog and reopen to see new output.

Redeploying containers

To redeploy a container, e.g. when a deployment descriptor has changed on disk:

  1. Select a container by using the mouse or the arrow keys.
  2. Press the P key to stop the container
  3. Press the R key to remove the container
  4. Press the D key to invoke the Kanto Auto Deployer, which will redeploy the missing containers

Note: Only containers managed by Kanto Auto Deployer will be redeployed.

Column Sorting

To sort a column:

  1. Select the column using the Left and Right arrow keys
  2. Press Enter to activate sorting
  3. Press Enter again on a sorted column to invert sort order (Ascending -> Descending -> Ascending)

Note: The selected sort order is not persisted and will reset to the default on restart: By ID, ascending

Configuration File

The default location of the configuration file is /etc/kantui/kantui_conf.toml:

# General Configuration Options
socket_path = "/run/container-management/container-management.sock" # Path to kanto-cm unix socket
stop_timeout = 5 # timeout (integer) in seconds before a SIGKILL is sent after a SIGTERM

start_btn_name = "[S]tart"
start_kbd_key = "s"

stop_btn_name = "Sto[P]"
stop_kbd_key = "p"

remove_btn_name = "[R]emove"
remove_kbd_key = "r"

logs_btn_name = "[L]ogs"
logs_kbd_key = "l"

quit_btn_name = "[Q]uit"
quit_kbd_key = "q"

redeploy_btn_name = "Re[D]eploy"
redeploy_kbd_key = "d"
# Includes a shell lexer so anything that would be a valid shell command can be used
# No pipes/redirects allowed.
# N.B.: Command inherits kantui's privileges (root)
redeploy_command = "systemctl restart kanto-auto-deployer.service"