CAN Forward

The can-forward help script can be used to forward an existing CAN-Bus interface on the host system to a container process.

Note: Warning! The script does not yet support Kanto (or containerd) as a container runtime. It has been implemented for k3s.


root@qemux86-64:~# can-forward --help

Usage:  /usr/bin/can-forward {-h} {-p PID} {-c container} <hw_can>

  hw_can          Host CAN hw interface to forward. Default: can0
  -c container    Attemmpt to get netns PID from a running container: (docker, ctr). Default: seat_service
  -p PID          Use provided PID for transferring vxcan interface (e.g.: docker inspect -f '{{ .State.Pid }}' container)
  -h              Prints this message

The script performs the following steps:

  • Find the process ID of the target container process
  • Check and modprobe vxcan
  • Check and modprobe can-gw
  • Create a new virtual CAN interface (vxcanX)
  • Create a new virtual CAN interface (vxcanX+1)
  • Link both interfaces together
  • Move the second interface (vxcanX+1) into the namespace of the target container
  • Set up a bi-directional CAN-Bus packet forwarding between both interfaces using cangw