VSCode DevContainer


  • Obtain the Docker Engine for your distribution and add your non-privileged user to the docker group (sudo usermod -aG docker $USER )
  • Install Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code: Development Containers

  • Open Visual Studio Code
  • Open Command Palette (F1) and select Clone repository in Container Volume
  • Select eclipse-leda/meta-leda and the main branch.
  • Adapt proxy configurations if necessary (.devcontainer/proxy.sh)

For a clean remote build machine, you may want to set up a development environment on GitHub CodeSpaces

Building Leda in a VSCode DevContainer:

After successfully setting up your DevContainer you can build Leda either with kas or manually:


The build process requires online connection and you must be authenticated to access private repositories.

  1. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) at https://github.com/settings/tokens and grant read:packages permission
  2. Use Configure SSO and authorize your PAT for the organization
  3. On the build host, authenticate to ghcr.io: skopeo login ghcr.io --authfile ~/auth.json --username <username> and enter the PAT as password
    • You may need to create the folder where skopeo is storing authentication information beforehand:
    sudo mkdir -p /run/containers/1000 sudo chmod a+w /run/containers/1000
  4. Start the bitbake build process