
Full qualified VSS Path: Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer
Description: Properties related to timing of battery charging sessions.
flowchart LR Vehicle-->Powertrain Powertrain-->TractionBattery TractionBattery-->Charging Charging-->Timer

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Vehicle Model Direct link to Vehicle Signal
ACME Car (EV) v0.1 Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer

Signal Information

The vehicle signal Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer is a Branch.


Each vehicle signal is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

The UUID for Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer is cd5b57ada627510e83f90832efed9d5a


This vehicle signal is a branch or structure and thus has sub-pages:

  • Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer.Mode (Defines timer mode for charging: INACTIVE - no timer set, charging may start as soon as battery is connected to a charger. START_TIME - charging shall start at Charging.Timer.Time. END_TIME - charging shall be finished (reach Charging.ChargeLimit) at Charging.Timer.Time. When charging is completed the vehicle shall change mode to ‘inactive’ or set a new Charging.Timer.Time. Charging shall start immediately if mode is ‘starttime’ or ’endtime’ and Charging.Timer.Time is a time in the past.)
  • Vehicle.Powertrain.TractionBattery.Charging.Timer.Time (Time for next charging-related action, formatted according to ISO 8601 with UTC time zone. Value has no significance if Charging.Timer.Mode is ‘inactive’.)


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About VSS

The Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax and a catalog for vehicle signals. The source code and releases can be found in the VSS github repository.